Most people have heard of chakras, but not everyone realizes how magical and important they can be! Chakras are energy centers within our spiritual being that govern many physical aspects of our selves as well as our energy body. There are many chakras, but the main seven that are talked about are: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Third eye, and Crown. Each chakra is responsible for different aspects of our selves. Lets look closer.
Root Chakra
Located at the base of the spine, its color is red. This lovely crimson red energy helps us to stay grounded and stable on the earth. Our root is responsible for our feeling safe and secure in the world. It is where our desire to belong or fit in manifests and where both survival and trust live. It governs our legs and feet, spinal column, large intestine, colon, rectum, anus, blood & cell production.
A balanced and unblocked chakra has attributes such as:
Feeling grounded
Feeling centered
Strong value of body
High physical energy
Engaged and joyful in life
Having blocks or trapped emotions here manifest as things like:
Feeling unloved or unworthy
Low self-esteem or confidence
Negative body image
Problems completing projects
Feeling unsettled or problems feeling grounded
Physical problems in these areas may be related to the Root chakra:
Kidney issues
Eating disorders
Bladder infections
Poor appetite
Ovary or uterine problems
Imbalances gut microbiome
Low energy
Sacral Chakra
Located just below the navel. Its color is orange. It is the seat of emotions and has to do with our passions and relationships. It is a bright, positive color that illuminates self confidence and openness. It is also the sexual center and governs all of the organs associated with reproduction as well as circulatory system, kidneys, bladder, spleen and skin.
A balanced and unblocked chakra has attributes such as:
Positive sexual energy
Overall positive well being
Healthy relationships and connections
Having blocks or trapped emotions here manifest as things like:
Needing to be in control
Emotionally explosive
Overly sensitive
Compulsive or obsessive behavior
Sexual guilt
Shutdown or shy
Physical problems in these areas may be related to the Sacral chakra:
Ovary or uterine problems
UTV/ Bladder infections
Kidney issues
Low energy
Eating disorders
Imbalanced gut microbiome
Solar Plexus Chakra
Located a hands width above the navel. Its color is yellow. It is full of bright sunny energy and when balanced allows you to shine your light to the world. It houses our willpower and self esteem. Self love & personal power are felt here. It governs our diaphragm, pancreas, adrenals, spleen, liver, autonomic nervous system, muscles, stomach and breath.
A balanced and unblocked chakra has attributes such as:
Strong sense of personal power
Social identity
Healthy boundaries
Positive self esteem
Inner joy
Having blocks or trapped emotions here manifest as things like:
Lack of confidence or direction
Feeling alone
Physical problems in these areas may be related to the Solar Plexus chakra:
Muscle pain, spasms or cramps
Liver issues
Digestive issues
Food intolerance
Difficulty breathing
Heart Chakra
Located in the center of the chest. Its color is green. It has a bright, vibrant green energy and is the point of balance for the seven main chakras. It holds our self acceptance and our ability to give and receive love. It governs the heart, rib cage, lungs, lymph glands, immune system, skin, arms & hands.
A balanced and unblocked chakra has attributes such as:
Unconditionally love
Trust others and self
Alignment with purpose
Having blocks or trapped emotions here manifest as things like:
Fear of rejection
Needing reassurance from outside source
Unable to discard unhealthy relationships
Unable to let go
Unable to move forward
Physical problems in these areas may be related to the Heart chakra:
Heart issues
Lung issues
High blood pressure
Weakened immunity
Breast cancer
Tension and stress
Throat Chakra
Located in the throat. Its color is light blue, like the sky. Its energy is expansive, creative and positive which is expressed in speaking or singing. It houses our ability to speak the truth and stand up for oneself . It enables self expression and communication. This chakra governs the thyroid, parathyroid, neck, esophagus, shoulders & hearing.
A balanced and unblocked chakra has attributes such as:
Comfortable communicating
Speaking freely
Expression of self
Ability to live in the moment
Having blocks or trapped emotions here manifest as things like:
Holding back
Afraid to speak out
Creative blocks
Feeling conflicted
Difficulty communicating with others
Physical problems in these areas may be related to the Throat chakra:
Throat issues
Mood swings
Hormonal issues
Neck issues
Thyroid problems
Speech issues
3rd eye Chakra
Located at the center of the forehead. Its color is violet blue. Its energy is LIGHT and has to do with self reflection, intuition and knowing. Known as our sixth sense, Its attributes are perception, imagination, manifestation and wisdom. This chakra governs the pituitary gland, endocrine system, neurological system, left eye, left brain, sinuses, nose & conscious mind.
A balanced and unblocked chakra has attributes such as:
Openness to spiritual guidance
Healthy perception of reality
Solid intuition
Having blocks or trapped emotions here manifest as things like:
Unclear or foggy thoughts
Overly analytical
Lack of foresight
Personal identity confusion
Manipulation tendencies
Physical problems in these areas may be related to the Third eye chakra:
Headaches / migraines
Panic attacks
Learning disabilities
Sinus problems
Crown Chakra
Located at the top of the head. Its color is violet pink. Its energy is thoughtful and has to do with self knowledge, self will and divine connection. Its attributes are connection to higher power, grace, acceptance, intelligence, divine wisdom, universal consciousness, inner beauty & receiving insight and information. This chakra governs the pineal gland, pituitary gland, cerebral cortex, cerebrum, subconscious mind, right eye & brain.
A balanced and unblocked chakra has attributes such as:
Feeling whole
Living divine purpose
Living in the moment
At peace with life and self
Feeling awake
Seeing self as whole, yet one with the universe
Having blocks or trapped emotions here manifest as things like:
No meaning in life
Lack of inspiration
Lacking the ability to feel joy
No aspiration
Psychological issues
Physical problems in these areas may be related to the Crown chakra:
Excessive stress
Mental illness
Chronic exhaustion
Sensitivity to light and sound
How to balance chakras
There are several ways to balance chakras. Releasing emotions or energies from past experiences or traumas can be achieved by The Emotion code . Sessions can be focused on a particular area of concern or can be of a more general clearing. With this modality, trapped emotions can be easily identified and released. Schedule your session here.
Keeping chakras balanced and allowing energy to flow freely can be achieved through a consistent meditation practice. Taking time to quite the mind with thoughtful focus on specific areas can generate flow and openness. In addition to attention, crystals and/or essential oils can have powerful impact on this process. For essential oil blends specifically designed for this purpose, click here.